
to the Website of the Mobile Eye-Tracking Laboratory Freiburg (MobEyeLab Freiburg).

Our Lab uses Mobile Eye-Tracking-Glasses to conduct research on the role of gaze in social interaction. The MobEyeLab aims to shed light on the coordination of gaze and verbal behavior, in order to provide a bigger picture on human social interaction and its multimodal nature.

The Lab uses portable SMI-, Tobii- and Dikablis Version 3 Eye-Tracking glasses. These enable the precise tracking of the gaze behavior of those who wear them. Compared to the analysis of video recordings from external perspectives only, Eye-Tracking has the advantage of measuring foveal vision and hence gaze direction systematically and with a high degree accuracy. They enable us to reproduce the precise gaze-fixation and gaze-movement for every speaker at every moment  during the conversation in a way that goes far beyond the reconstruction of gaze via head movement commonly used in video-based conversation analysis.

The glasses include a stereo microphone and a scene camera that records what the speaker sees from her perspective. Furthermore, they also include two cameras to record the movement of the speakers' pupils (installed in the frame of the glasses on both sides of the speaker's nose), and appearing as a tracking cursor in the video. The three cameras are overlaid. As a result, the cursors show precisely the focus of visual attention inside the speaker's field of vision.





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