1974 | Abitur/Albrecht-Altdorfer-Gymnasum Regensburg |
1975-1977 | Student University of Cologne (General Linguistics) |
1977-1980 | Student University of Constance (Theoretical Linguistics, German Linguistics, Psychology) |
28.3.1980 | M.A. University of Constance |
1981/1982 | Doctoral Student U Manchester (Sociology) |
14.6.1983 | Dr. phil., University of Constance |
1988 | Habilitation, Venia legendi General and German Linguistics, University of Constance |
1980-1983 | Researcher, U Constance |
1983-1989 | Assistent Professor, U Constance (General Linguistics) |
1990/91 | Chair of General Linguistics, U Saarbrücken (Replacement) |
1992-1998 | Associate Professor, U Hamburg (German Linguistics) |
Since 1998 | Full Professor for German Linguistics, U Freiburg |
2007-2013 | Director, School for Language and Literature, Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS) |
2013/2014 | Fellow, Netherlands Institute for Advanced Studies (NIAS) |
March 2014 | Visiting Professur, Écoles des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) Paris |
1975-1980 | Grant according to the Bayr. Hochbegabtengesetz |
1991-1992 | Heisenberg Grant (German Research Council) |
Since 2008 | External Member, Societas Scientiarum Fennica |
Since 2008 | External Member, Academy of Dutch Language and Literature, Ghent |
2012 | State Research Award, State of Baden-Württemberg (€ 100 000) |
1987-94 | with A. di Luzio) "Contextualization by Rhythm and Intonation" (German Research Council) |
1990-93 | "Linguistic Accommodation in inner-German migrants from Saxonoy" (Thyssen-Foundation) |
1994-99 | "Everyday rhetorics in East and West Germany"(German Research Council) |
1995-2000 | "Turkish in ethnically mixed groups" (German Research Council) |
1997-2005 | "Structure and function of regional intonation in German" (with Prof. Selting, Potsdam; German Re-search Council) |
2000-2003 | "Linguistic symbolization of ethnic belonging in German settlers in Rio Grande do Sul (Brasilien)" (German Research Council, Part of CoE 541) |
2000-2004 | "Scientific writing compared - Germany and Russia" (Volkswagen Foundation) |
2000-2004 | "Adaptive strategies in family interactions between aphasics and their spouses" (German Research Council) |
2002-2005 | "Southwest German dialect syntax" (State Foundation of Baden Württemberg) |
2004-06 | "Pain and subjective theories of illness"(State Foundation Baden-Württembert, with Prof. K.Fritzsche) |
2006-2009 | "Edge marking in German compounds" (German Research Foundation) |
2006-2010 | "Language Change in Southwest Germany” (German Research Foundation) |
Since 2010 | Co-applicant, Graduate School "Frequency Effects in Language" (German Research Foundation), U Freiburg (see |
Since 2011 | "Popular Science Writing" (with L. Konieczny, S. Hansen-Schirra) (Volkswagen Foundation) |
Since 2011 | "Interactional conditions for Augmented Communication in severe Cerebral Palsy" (with Prof. G. Renner) |
Since 2012 | "Dialect and state border in the Upper Rhine region" (with Prof. D. Huck, U Strasbourg) |
Since 2012 | Deutscher Familiennamenatlas" (with Prof. K. Kunze, Prof. Damaris Nübling) |
1996-99 | Co-chairman of the ESF-Network „Convergence and divergence of dialects in a changing Europe" (with Prof. Frans Hinskens) |
2000-2008 | elected referee for General and Applied Linguistics, German Research Council |
2002-2005 | Vice Dean, Philological Faculty |
2000-2003 | Member of the Steering Group, Research Center (CoE) 541 (Identity and Alterity) |
2003-2007 | Member of the Founding Directorate, Language Teaching Institute, U Freiburg |
2005-2012 | Director, Hermann-Paul Centre for Linguistics (HPCL) U Freiburg |
2004-2009 | Member, Scientific Board, Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies |
2005-2009 | External Examiner, Institute for Linguistics, University of Hongkong |
since 2008 | (with Frans Hinskens and Paul Kerswill) editor of "Studies in Language Variation" (Benjamins) |
since 2010 | (with G. v. Essen and W. Frick) editor of "Linguae et Litterae" (de Gruyter) |
since 2011 | International Board, Competence Centre in Languages, Università di Bolzano |
since 2013 | Member of the Advisory Board, Center of Excellence "Bilingualism across the Life Span", U Oslo |
(continous) Referee for German Science Foundation, DAAD, Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation, Wissenschaftsrat, ThyssenFoundation, National Science Foundation, Schweizerischer Nationalfond etc. |
Member of the Editorial Board (current): "International Journal of Bilingualism", "Pragmatics", "Text & Talk", "Sociolinguistica", "J. of Interactional Research in Communication Disorders", "Taal- en Tongval", "Constructions and Frames" |
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