

1974            Abitur/Albrecht-Altdorfer-Gymnasum Regensburg
1975-1977 Student University of Cologne (General Linguistics)
1977-1980     Student University of Constance (Theoretical Linguistics, German Linguistics, Psychology)
28.3.1980 M.A. University of Constance
1981/1982 Doctoral Student U Manchester (Sociology)
14.6.1983 Dr. phil., University of Constance
1988         Habilitation, Venia legendi General and German Linguistics, University of Constance   


1980-1983   Researcher, U Constance
1983-1989 Assistent Professor, U Constance (General Linguistics)
1990/91 Chair of General Linguistics, U Saarbrücken (Replacement)
1992-1998 Associate Professor, U Hamburg (German Linguistics)
Since 1998 Full Professor for German Linguistics, U Freiburg
2007-2013      Director, School for Language and Literature, Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS)
2013/2014 Fellow, Netherlands Institute for Advanced Studies (NIAS)
March 2014    Visiting Professur, Écoles des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) Paris


1975-1980 Grant according to the Bayr. Hochbegabtengesetz 
1991-1992 Heisenberg Grant (German Research Council)
Since 2008 External Member, Societas Scientiarum Fennica
Since 2008 External Member, Academy of Dutch Language and Literature, Ghent
2012 State Research Award, State of Baden-Württemberg (€ 100 000)


1987-94          with A. di Luzio) "Contextualization by Rhythm and Intonation" (German Research   Council)
1990-93          "Linguistic Accommodation in inner-German migrants from Saxonoy" (Thyssen-Foundation)
1994-99 "Everyday rhetorics in East and West Germany"(German Research Council)
1995-2000  "Turkish in ethnically mixed groups" (German Research Council)
1997-2005       "Structure and function of regional intonation in German" (with Prof. Selting, Potsdam; German Re-search Council)
2000-2003       "Linguistic symbolization of ethnic belonging in German settlers in Rio Grande do Sul (Brasilien)" (German Research Council, Part of CoE 541)
2000-2004  "Scientific writing compared - Germany and Russia" (Volkswagen Foundation)
2000-2004       "Adaptive strategies in family interactions between aphasics and their spouses" (German Research Council)
2002-2005  "Southwest German dialect syntax" (State Foundation of Baden Württemberg)
2004-06             "Pain and subjective theories of illness"(State Foundation Baden-Württembert, with Prof. K.Fritzsche)
2006-2009 "Edge marking in German compounds" (German Research Foundation)
2006-2010 "Language Change in Southwest Germany” (German Research Foundation)
Since 2010      Co-applicant, Graduate School "Frequency Effects in Language" (German Research Foundation), U Freiburg (see
Since 2011      "Popular Science Writing" (with L. Konieczny, S. Hansen-Schirra) (Volkswagen Foundation)
Since 2011      "Interactional conditions for Augmented Communication in severe Cerebral Palsy" (with Prof. G. Renner)
Since 2012 "Dialect and state border in the Upper Rhine region" (with Prof. D. Huck, U Strasbourg)
Since 2012 Deutscher Familiennamenatlas" (with Prof. K. Kunze, Prof. Damaris Nübling)


1996-99          Co-chairman of the ESF-Network „Convergence and divergence of dialects in a changing Europe" (with Prof. Frans Hinskens)
2000-2008   elected referee for General and Applied Linguistics, German Research Council
2002-2005 Vice Dean, Philological Faculty
2000-2003 Member of the Steering Group, Research Center (CoE) 541 (Identity and Alterity)
2003-2007 Member of the Founding Directorate, Language Teaching Institute, U Freiburg
2005-2012 Director, Hermann-Paul Centre for Linguistics (HPCL) U  Freiburg
2004-2009 Member, Scientific Board, Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies
2005-2009 External Examiner, Institute for Linguistics, University of Hongkong
since 2008      (with Frans Hinskens and Paul Kerswill) editor of "Studies in Language Variation" (Benjamins)
since 2010 (with G. v. Essen and W. Frick) editor of "Linguae et Litterae" (de Gruyter)
since 2011  International Board, Competence Centre in Languages, Università di Bolzano
since 2013      Member of the Advisory Board, Center of Excellence "Bilingualism across the Life Span", U Oslo
(continous) Referee for German Science Foundation, DAAD, Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation, Wissenschaftsrat, ThyssenFoundation, National Science Foundation, Schweizerischer Nationalfond etc.
Member of the Editorial Board (current): "International Journal of Bilingualism", "Pragmatics", "Text & Talk", "Sociolinguistica",  "J. of Interactional Research in Communication Disorders",  "Taal- en Tongval", "Constructions and Frames"


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